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    To add a new question go to app settings and press "Manage Questions" button.
    Yes! To add a picture follow these simple steps: Enter App Settings Click the "Manage Questions" button Click on the question you would like to attach a picture to When editing your answer, click on the picture icon and then add an image from your library
  • Prize Pool
    Yes! Users can add video from YouTube or Vimeo with ease: Enter App Settings Click the "Manage Questions" button Click on the question you would like to attach a video to When editing your answer, click on the video icon and then paste the YouTube or Vimeo video URL That's it! A thumbnail of your video will appear in answer text box
  • Levels
    The FAQ title can be adjusted in the settings tab of the App Settings. You can also remove the title by unchecking its checkbox in the settings tab.
  • Cheating
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  • Streaming Requirements
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    Warzone Tournament Preperation. PLEASE READ AND ACKNOWLEDGE You MUST use your Activision, Xbox, Playstation Network Username. After the tournament your team needs to login into their Activision account and set their linked accounts DATA VISIBILITY to ALL. Step 1: Make sure all teammates are properly registered before your scheduled start time. Step 2: Check your team in. We suggest checking in at least 30 mins before your start time so you are not rushed. Step 3: Turn on Console load Game. Step 4: Host must start stream along with all Console players before scheduled start time. Step 5: Make sure all streams are set to archive. Step 6: Host and all players must have Crossplay Enabled. Step 7: Prepare yourself to record kills and placement of each game you want to count. We suggest grabbing screenshots and record each game between matches. Step 8: Start game play at your scheduled start time. Step 9: Report scores on time.
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